About Us
We are a small, boutique publisher of quality women's genre fiction who work with a select number of authors per year. We enjoy stories with laughter, heart, and lots of clever plot twists. We don't publish books with graphic gore or sexual content, which makes our books perfect for sharing with your eighteen-year-old daughter or your eighty-year-old grandmother. Our titles are available in most major online retailers and by special request from brick & mortar bookstores and libraries.
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Contact Us
Send me a message, and we will email you back as soon as possible! gemma@gemmahallidaypublishing.com
Please note that due to to time constraints created by the current state of emergency in our area, we are not able to personally answer all emails at this time.
We are currently CLOSED to submission of new works.
If you are an established author with a backlist that you are looking to rebrand and republish, please feel free to send your inquiry to: hallidaypublishing@gmail.com
We publish novels in the cozy mystery and humorous romantic mystery genres only!
60,000 - 80,000 words in length
Please no graphic sex or gore. Think network television ratings level, not HBO.
We are looking for novels that feature strong, independent, proactive women sleuths,
hot, enticing heroes and a heartwarming romance,
and a clever mystery with lots of twists and turns.
We prefer a rich whodunit with a lot of suspects where the reader is surprised at the end.
We love humor! The funnier the better!
We are open to both small town AND big city settings.
Does this sound like your writing style? If so, please send us a) a cover letter telling us about you and your project, including the genre and word count, b) a synopsis of the book, c) the first 30 pages for the manuscript. Please allow 6-8 weeks for us to review your submission.
Please send your submissions to: hallidaypublishing@gmail.com